Current control is a common feature in power electronics voltage source converters connected to the grid. In this scenario frequency drifts can entail a big loss in performance of these controllers, significantly worsening the quality of the power delivered to the grid. This article focuses on the study and implementation of current control algorithms for DC–AC voltage source converters (VSCs) that are able of both reducing the harmonic contents of the grid current and maintaining the selectivity of the current control against frequency drifts, so that the stability of the system is preserved. Two types of current control techniques are investigated here, namely, resonant and repetitive controllers. A thorough study of alternative implementation structures is carried out whilst spelling out the frequency-adaptive algorithm in each case. Besides, basic guidelines for their software implementation are given and the computational load for each alternative is analyzed.
Keywords: Current control; Frequency-adaptation; Repetitive control; Resonant control; Digital implementation; Converter
JCR Impact Factor and WoS quartile: 1,749 - Q2 (2014); 3,300 - Q2 (2023)
DOI reference:
Published on paper: November 2014.
Published on-line: July 2014.
A. Rodríguez Monter, E.J. Bueno, A. García-Cerrada, F.J. Rodríguez, F.M. Sánchez, Detailed analysis of the implementation of frequency-adaptive resonant and repetitive current controllers for grid-connected converters. Electric Power Systems Research. Vol. 116, pp. 231 - 242, November 2014. [Online: July 2014]